Weekly Wrap #7: 1/10 – 1/17

Good morning!

We’re linking up with Tricia and Holly for the Weekly Wrap. Here’s a recap of our week: WeeklyWrap


It’s been another weird workout week for me. I know, I’m starting to sound like a broken record here. It was supposed to be the first week of my training plan and I only managed 2 runs. Our treadmill is currently being held hostage in Syracuse. Supposedly it will be here on Tuesday now…we’ll see. I’m in the process of tweaking my training plan. We’ve been discussing it a lot and think that for the goals that I have for Syracuse that I need a more aggressive training plan so we’re combining a few different plans.

Monday: Off

Tuesday: 21 Day Fix- Total Body Cardio

Wednesday: 4 miles- 1 WU, 5×400, 1 CD.  I needed to get some miles in and a very kind friend let me use their treadmill. 21 Day Fix- Upper Fix

Thursday: 21 Day Fix- Lower Fix

Friday: 21 Day Fix- Pilates Fix

Saturday: 21 Day Fix- Cardio Fix

Sunday: 21 Day Fix- Dirty 30 (I love this workout!) and 3.5 miles. In the afternoon I went wine tasting with a friend at a local winery then we had dinner with their family.

Weekly total: 7.5 miles

Travis: I thankfully get 3 hours a week on duty that I am able to workout in our gym at work so I am able to get several runs completed during the day. My training for the Buffalo Marathon begins next week!

Monday: 4.75 miles @ 7:51 pace

Tuesday : 4 miles @ 7:44 pace

Wednesday: 6 miles @ 6:53 pace,  hockey game

Thursday: 3.5 miles @ 8:47 pace

Friday: Off

Saturday: Off

Sunday: Off

Weekly total: 18.25 miles


6 thoughts on “Weekly Wrap #7: 1/10 – 1/17

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  1. Nice job with your running, but brrr it must be cold running outside where you are. I’m currently on a break from running after injuring my IT band during a marathon last Sunday.


  2. Oh, it’s awful your treadmill did not arrive on schedule! Hopefully this week? I gave mine away (yep I did!) and occasionally wish I had not. But I really never used it. I still have a Y membership, so in an extreme hardship could use one of theirs. I would love to run all the half marathons around this area in the next few months but right now I’m just resting my IT band. I’m trying to convince myself to run quality races over quantity this year. It’s hard! I hope you get your miles in this week. Thanks for linking up with us!


    1. Fingers crossed it should be delivered tomorrow morning! One of the problems living in a small town- limited delivery! I never thought I’d be excited for a treadmill, but for us it’s definitely a necessary piece of equipment!


  3. I don’t have a treadmill either, not at home. Sometimes I wish I did but then again I honestly don’t know where I’d put one. Running on the “mill” in not my favorite but when weather keeps me from running outside it is great. I use the one at the gym when I need it! Funny though, most of the time I “need” it, so does everyone else…. Hope yours gets to you soon!


  4. I don’t have a treadmill. I’m actually scared to death to run on one…lol. I’m afraid I will face plant or fall off the back if I pick up speed. I’ve tried a couple times, but I never get above speed walking. Hope yours comes in soon!


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